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Literotica gay sex slave sold

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My name is Jeb and I am a slave on a cotton plantation, I live with my woman called Portia and my child called Lil Mary, she being so tiny an all, life is hard but good for us slaves, master Johnson up in the big house is good to us all, well as good as a white master can be to his slaves, but his no good white trash overseer is hard and cruel, they call him Butler, he thinks nothing to whipping any of us slaves for the least lil thing and if in he's in a bad mood or got a hangover, then you best steer well clear of him 'cause that's when the bastard is at his meanest, and you better damn well hope your woman or man is not anywhere near him when he gets a pestering mood on him, cause he just takes what he damn well pleases, and if in you puts up a fight, well that suits him even better, he likes it 'feisty and hot' as he calls it, we niggers call it rape! but we is jest slaves so we don't got no choice in the matter, he ain't bothered me or mine none, but I knows its jest a matter of time, but I'm ready for him, yes sir! I's ready for that white trash bastard.

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